Trade Show Display Issues

Posted on January 7, 2010 by Karl 

Trade show displays have two very important jobs to do – first, they have to stand out and attract attention so attendees spot you on the floor; second, they have to engage the attendees so they are motivated to step inside and talk business.  How well your trade show display will perform these two functions will make the difference between a successful trade show or failure, so it’s important to spend a lot of timer on getting your exhibition display right.

First times make the common mistake that their trade show display has got to be flashy – they don’t have to be.  Another common mistake is to think that the trade display has got be a crowd puller – they don’t have to be.  The real objective is to attract and engage with attendees who are looking to form business relationships and do business with you and this should be the key focus when designing and sourcing your event display.

When you are designing your booth, think in terms of visibility – what will make your booth stand out from the crowd; what can you do which will catch the eye of an attendee, especially an attendee who is looking for a solution to a need you are offering.  Use hanging product displays and marketing material which is arranged so it is at eye-level and falls into a visitor’s field of vision easily.  Also consider how messy the display is – neatness is free to establish and will help to make sure your display message is not lost in clutter.

The product should always be front and center with your display, so build the booth around the products rather than building a booth and fitting products into that.

To engage with attendees, think about using interactive displays and activities.  Product demonstrations are an excellent tool and you should schedule them regularly throughout the event – make sure there is a timetable displayed stating when the next demonstration will take place so people passing may see it but want to check back for the full demo later.

Allowing attendees to get their hands on the product is also a very effective tool for engaging the visitor, as well as getting the product into their hands so they see it, feel it, smell it and taste it.  Games, entertainment, quizzes, prize draws and refreshments are also very effective at drawing the attendee into the display and interacting with your company.

So remember, keep it neat, make it visible and make it engaging – this way you will have an effective trade show display.

This entry was posted in Trade Show Displays, Trade Show Tips, Trade Shows and tagged event displays, exhibition displays, trade show booths, trade show display issues, Trade Show Displays, Trade Show Tips, Trade Shows. Bookmark the permalink

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